所属分类: |
综合其他 |
项目来源: |
成果推广计划 |
技术持有方姓名: |
唐 健 |
所在地域: |
中国科学院院士 |
是否中介: |
否 |
是否重点项目: |
否 |
技术简介: |
根据国家九五重点技术攻关项目而完成的苎麻与化纤混纺面料及服装免烫整理的高新技术项目。攻克了阻挠我国纺织行业技术进步的四大难题之一,使我国纺织产品步入高档化行业的重大技术成果。该项目通过了国家经贸委组织的国家级验收。该项技术填补了国内空白,达到了国际领先水平。该项目实施的主要内容、规模及技术要求如下:1、应用李政道教授技术建立优势麻原料基地。2、研究原料处理及纱线,织物结构与免烫整理的关系,将该项目技术扩大应用到了更广的领域。3、年生产能力达到250万米。4、该项技术是系统地从原料到后整理全局的考虑免烫整理技术,从而使经该项技术生产的产品各项技术指标更加先进。 According to the national important technical items of 95, we have finished this high and new technical items which are no-pressing finish of the ramie chemical fiber mixed fabrics and garments. We have overcome one of the four difficult questions which resist to make progress in our textile trade. This is our important technical achievement for our textiles products with higher professional levels. This item has examined by the National Economic Trade Committee. Our technique has filled the national blankings and come to the international level. The followings are our primary contents, specifications and technical requirements. 1. It uses the materials from the basis of high-class ramie which is built by professor Li Zhengdao. 2. We study the material treatment and the relations between yarn, weave construction and non-pressing finish. We have enlarged it to the wild field. 3. The year output will reach to 2.5 million metres. 4. This technique has been considered systematically from the material to the last finishing and its all technical character will be more advanced.
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