实验频道正文 用户登录 新用户注册 基因型分析 作者:佚名 实验频道来源:中华基因网 点击数: 更新时间:2004-6-8 Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Randomly Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) by (DNA KAFFE)RAPD analysis has been successfully used in mapping and fingerprinting applications. RAPD can efficiently identify differences that constitute a significant fraction of a genome. This is a very nice protocol describing in great detail the background knowledge, method and trouble shooting. RAPD Reaction and Cycling Conditions (Kim Marshall) A Rapid CTAB DNA Isolation Technique Useful for RAPD Fingerprinting and Other PCR Applications (Kim Marshall) Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Protocol (Graham Casey) Amplifyed Fragment Length Polymophism (AFLP) Amplifyed Fragment Length Polymophism (AFLP) by (DNA KAFFE)AFLP originally known as selective restriction fragment amplification (SRFA) produces highly complex DNA profiles by arbitrary amplification of restriction fragments ligated to double-stranded adaptors with hemi-specific primers harboring adaptor-complementary 5 termini. The AFLP protocol can be devided in the following steps: (1) DNA digestion with two different restriction enzymes, (2) ligation of double-stranded adapters to the ends of the restriction fragments, (3) optional DNA pre-amplification of ligated product, and (4) DNA amplification of subsets of restriction fragments using selective AFLP primers and labelling of amplified products. Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLPs) (Oregon State U) Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) protocol for Wheat (Graham Casey) Single-Strand Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP) A method for distinguishing between similar sized DNA fragments according to the mobility of the single-stranded DNA under polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.(Birgid Schlindweins Hypermedia Glossary Of Genetic Terms)SSCP (FMC)provides general guide for PCR and gel resolution. SSCP (PE Biosystems)This protocol provides detailed instructions for performing SSCP mutation screening. Heteroduplex Analysis The study of the mobilities of heteroduplex DNA under polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis. The reduced mobility of heteroduplex DNA compared with homoduplex DNA is proportional to the degree of divergence of the sequences.(Birgid Schlindweins Hypermedia Glossary Of Genetic Terms)Heteroduplex Analysis (FMC)Guide for preparing PCR for heteroduplex analysis Microsatellite AnalysisMicrosatellite Analysis (PE Biosystems)Microsatellite loci are PCR amplified and the PCR products are then analyzed by electrophoresis to separate the alleles according to size. PCR-amplified microsatellite alleles can be detected using usr/localious methods, such as fluorescent dye labeling, silver staining, or fluorescent dye staining. OthersDNA Separation by (DNA KAFFE)The scanning of nucleic acids by amplification produces an array of DNA products that can be resolved using a usr/localiety of methods. As originally described, DAF and AP-PCR use PAGE, while RAPD analysis separates amplification products by electrophoresis in agarose gels. These techniques differ also in the way how nucleic acid fragments are detected; DAF uses silver staining, AP-PCR uses autoradiography, and RAPD uses staining with ethidium bromide. This Protocol focuses on several polyacrylamide-based separation techniques that can be used to separate DAF or differentially displayed RNA profiles. It also describes the staining of nucleic acid fragments with silver and recovery of DNA. Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE) (Donis-Keller lab)Denaturing gradient gels are used to detect non-RFLP polymorphisms. The small (200-700 bp) genomic restriction fragments are run on a low to high denaturant gradient acrylamide gel; initially the fragments move according to molecular weight, but as they progress into higher denaturing conditions, each (depending on its sequence composition) reaches a point where the DNA begins to melt. The partial melting severely retards the progress of the molecule in the gel, and a mobility shift is observed. It is the mobility shift which can differ for slightly different sequences (depending on the sequence, as little as a single bp change can cause a mobility shift). Alleles are detected by differences in mobility. 3% Trevigel Protocol for 3 bp resolution of SSR PCR products (Kim Marshall) SSR Gel and Silver Staining Protocol (Kim Marshall) 处理 SSI 文件时出错 处理 SSI 文件时出错 【评论】【进论坛看】【转入博客】 实验频道录入:生物编辑 责任编辑:生物编辑 上一篇实验频道: 基因可隆的方法 下一篇实验频道: 癌遗传学 【发表评论】【加入收藏】【告诉好友】【打印此文】【关闭窗口】 相关文章 最新热门 推荐文章 蛋白质提取与纯化技术2%多聚甲醛固定剂配方二则细胞学技术细胞培养的一般技术血小板的活化、荧光染色与流血小板活化检测方法细胞表面抗原染色的组织样本流式细胞仪PI染色死细胞方法流式细胞术分析血小板流式检测细胞周期 · 免疫细胞表面抗原分子CD家族对照表· 所有的看家基因(housekeeping gene· 生物发光与化学发光专题· 生物发光和化学发光在生物技术中的· 重组DNA的分离、克隆与测序实验手册· RNAi和基因沉默的历史回顾· RNAi原理图解· RNAi术语表· siRNA设计指南· Methods for DNA sequencing · 通用电气医疗集团简介· 生物发光与化学发光专题· 生物发光和化学发光在生物技术中的· RNA干扰技术获得新突破· 蛋白质特性与分离纯化技术的选择· PCR实验指导与常见问题分析· RNAi原理FLASH演示· Extrachromosomal elements, plasm· Promoter analysis by saturation · 重组DNA的分离、克隆与测序实验手册 文章评论 (只显示最新10条。评论内容只代表网友观点,与本站立场无关!) 生物谷 | 网站介绍 | 网站地图 | 广告服务 | 帮助 关于我们 | 广告服务 | 战略伙伴 | 留言| 帮助信息| 联系方式 | 客户投诉 | 友情链接 | 网站地图 | 网站声明 | Bioon English 上海北岸信息技术有限公司 公司地址:上海龙吴路51号嘉源商务中心1#211室(200232) 生物谷网站 bioon.com © Copyright 2001 - 2006. 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