Have you seen meteor shower? In the past two years, we have many opportunities to see it.
When it happens during night, you can have a beautiful view. The meteorites range in size from dust grains to small pebbles. Before reaching Earth, they will burn up. So there is no threat to people. But satellites and space stations may have a small chance of getting damaged.
Recently, the most spectacular meteor storm was in 1996. There were more than 2 500 meteors streaked across the sky every minute.
近年来,最壮观的流星雨要数发生在1996年的那次。每一分钟有2 500多颗流星划过天空。
meteorite 陨石meteor shower 流星雨opportunity机会 range in 排列grain颗粒pebble 小圆石, 小鹅卵石
damage 损害,破坏 spectacular壮观
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