ively treated by standard antibiotic therapies that are generally easy to tolerate, and is efficiently diagnosed by infectious-disease specialists experienced in treating the disease. Here, the pathogen that causes Lyme Disease is shown in human blood. 首先是在1975让自己看起来是一组青少年关节炎的病例, 莱姆症就这样持续的愚弄着病患和医生。因为它所带来的症状表现样式很广, 莱姆症曾被称为“厉害的模仿者”。而事实上,这些症状会和很多病引起的症状看起来很像,诸如一般的感冒、一般性的肌肉酸痛头痛,还有一些像多发性硬化症和老年痴呆症这样的重病。好消息是显性的 莱姆症克能够由标准抗生素疗法治愈,并能够被传染疾病方面临床经验丰富的专家诊治出来。这张图片显示了莱姆病原体在人类血液中的样子。
Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
One of the difficulties in diagnosing MS is that early signs can take any number of neurological forms (from muscle weakness to fatigue and bladder difficulties), and it can either build gradually or come in "attacks" that go through phases of relapse and remission. Another difficulty in understanding MS—though the disease was first described in the mid-1800s—is that there is no consensus as to what causes it; the prevailing theories suggest a complex, yet not understood, set of interactions between genetic susceptibility, environmental exposure, and infectious triggers. Once the disease progresses it can be devastating; Debbie Purdy, shown here, has become well known as both a person with MS and a right-to-die advocate. 诊断 多发性硬化症的困难之一是,在早期可能有任意种神经形式的症状(从肌肉无力到膀胱告急),而且它能够缓慢潜伏滋长也可以经过复发和缓解阶段来直接“进攻”。通过19世纪中叶对该症的初步描述来看,另一个了解 多发性硬化症的难题是没有造成病因的唯一原因;当时的理论认为病因是一种复杂的但尚不清楚的综合作用的结果,其中包括了遗传易感性,环境暴露和感染发病源之间的交互作用。一旦疾病发作就是毁灭性的,这里的图片显示了Debbie Purdy,她也是众说周知的身患 多发性硬化症和死亡权力的拥护者。
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
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