real, there is no consensus as to the cause of those symptoms and no widely accepted treatment or cure. Here, a doctor checks Fibromyalgia trigger points on a patient, but not everyone who suffers from the condition can find reliable care. In such situations, patients may often be faby the medical establishment or taken advantage of by self-proclaimed experts peddling expensive and potentially unsafe treatments. 很像慢性疲劳症, 纤维肌痛主要表现为肌肉和结缔组织疼痛,放大了触摸的痛感和肌肉疲劳。这个病是饱受专家争议的病症,一些专家将他视为生理学的紊乱,另一些认为它是一种精神病症,还有一些觉得前两种的组合。和慢性疲劳症一起进入了“医学上不可解释的症状”分类,那意味着症状是非常真实的,但是没有对导致症状的原因得出一致性的结论也没有对治疗治愈的方法有广泛的认同。图中,一位医生在检查一位病人的 纤维肌痛敏感位置,但是不是每一个这种病的病患都能找到可靠的治愈方式。得了这种病,病患可能经常被医疗机构放弃,或者被那些兜售昂贵且具有潜在危险的蒙古大夫占便宜。
Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic-Pain Syndrome (CP/CPPS)
According to a 2006 study published in the Annual Review of Medicine, up to 10 percent of men suffer from prostatitis, a disease that affects the prostate (healthy prostate tissue is pictured here). The vast majority (90 to 95 percent) of cases are of unknown, nonbacterial causes. This group of symptoms (mainly pelvic, rectal, and abdominal pain, urinary frequency, and fatigue) has confounded physicians, psychologists, and the men who suffer from it for decades. For the longest time, doctors suspected that the condition was caused by persistent, hidden bacterial infections and sometimes prescribed long-term or open-ended antibiotic therapy. This protocol has fallen out of favor. Though there is no universally known cure, patients seek out treatments as variable as physical therapy, biofeedback, and, in rare cases, surgery. 根据2006年公布在医学年度审查上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] 下一页