that covers the cheeks and nose), only about 50 percent of patients with lupus experience this symptom, and full diagnosis is usually based on criteria that include positive laboratory tests, clinical evidence, and ruling out other overlapping causes for similar symptoms. This lupus patient has covered her home with UV-filtering material, since lupus symptoms can be triggered by sunlight. 虽然可以对红斑狼疮的症状进行治疗,但是狼疮是不可治愈的自身免疫系统疾病。正如很多疾病在初期很难被检测出来,红斑狼疮的早期症状(包括疲倦、转移疼痛以及认知障碍)可能会消失并进入缓解阶段。那样的情况的病人可能会被误诊为别的病,还会被医生告知那些不舒服只是一些幻觉。尽管传统的红斑狼疮特征是”颧部红斑”(一个蝴蝶型的红色区域覆盖在脸颊以及鼻子上),但是只有50%的狼疮病患会表现出这样的症状。而全面的检查一般是基于一套标准体系包括实验室阳性测试、临床证据以及排除其他类似疾病造成的类似症状的影响。图中,这位狼疮病人将她家中用紫外线过滤材料进行覆盖,因为红斑狼疮会因阳光发作。 Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS)
When it first caught the attention of the American medical profession, HIV (shown here under a microscope), the virus that causes AIDS, was a medical mystery. In the early 1980s, physicians began investigating groups of men with rare disorders, primarily opportunistic fungal infections and a type of cancer, that were generally found only in those with extremely compromised immune systems. 当HIV第一次在在美国医学界被发现,这个造成AIDS的病毒曾经是医学之谜。(图示显微镜下的HIV)。在20世纪80年代早期,医生开始研究那些类似罕见疾病的人,这些疾病主要机会性真菌感染以及一类癌症,结果发现了这些极度危害免疫系统的病毒。
Because some of these early clusters were found among gay men, the unknown, underlying disorder that made them susceptible to opportunistic diseases was, for a short time, called gay-related immune deficiency (GRID)—a rapidly politicized term that soon fell out of use by scientists after it became clear that heterosexual people were also sus上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] 下一页